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What is all this?!

Within the loose confines of this open canon, we wish to create a single organized
existence for many (and any) works of fiction to exist within its accepted works.

Are there rules?

Some, but nothing concerning what can or cannot be written.

Most importantly, there shall never be any requirement for purchase to access the totality of lore or narrative within these stories!
Or in other words, they should all be "free to read," at least online, especially on archival websites.
A good site for this is The Internet Archive!

While it isn't a rule, each story should ideally contain a contact for the author of the work,
as to allow potential collaborators to ask advice, clarification, or permission to use/copy/modify portions of the work in their own submission to the canon.

For the sake of worldbuilding, all lore documentation, world history, overarching synopses and author's notes should be submitted to the UCC.
They will be stored in a publicly accessible place so that anyone wishing to expand upon, write into,
or branch off of a story has the resources to do so accurately. This also allows the ease of modifying certain world rules for their own alternate universes.

Is it a self contained universe? Like SCP Wiki?

There is no single central reality/universe/story, nor will there ever be.
The SCP Wiki concept is fantastic, and you can feel free to write SCP Wiki
entries as submissions to this canon! However, this open canon is not the
same as SCP. There will never be a single unified format for any work to
exist within, there will be no central cataloguing to conform to, and
not every entry into the canon will/must be connected in some way, or thematically.

So, it's like fanfiction?

Well, that's one way to look at it, however it is different than simply fan-fiction.
The overarching ideal of the communal canon concept is to allow
expansion of a given fictional universe within the canon by any author!
In essence, this would mean that, yes, you can submit fanfiction
to the canon, but more importantly, it is not a fan work,
it is an extension of the continuing lore,
you want it to be a "fan work" (for example, an alternate universe!)

So, is it like a multiverse?

Put simply, it's up to you!

It doesnt have to be! Any given stories can be in a multiverse,
in the same universe on different planets or space stations or fighter ships,
in the same fantasy alternate past setting in neighboring villages,
or they can be alternate universes from eachother, parallel universes,
a story could be a work of fiction that exists within another story!
A novel could contain chapters that actually exist within
a computer simulation in someone else's work within the canon!
You could write a fanfiction that follows an alternate
ending/beginning/plot climax of another fanfiction that's already in the canon!
You can even submit a single, standalone story, with no real
connections to any others, allowing for other authors to build off of it.

The only real homogeny between the works within the canon,
is that they are within the canon, and therefore open to expansion by other authors!

This is all simply for fun, to share experiences in the realm of nonreality,
to inspire eachother, to share one's creation, and to enjoy ourselves as writers, as artists,
as painters, videographers, comicbook crafters, mangaken, scriptwriters... as authors!