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Presented henceforth is the idea of an open literary canon.
In rejection of claims to ownership or copyright, the narrative of stories and works within the canon
will be inexorably linked in a total common reality. When, for example, a chapter of textual fiction
is submitted to the canon, it will immediately be expandable by any author wishing to contribute to the canon!
Within a unified fictional existence, it is the belief of the authors of the canon that creativity will flourish.

For those who desire to submit a story to the canon,
freely contact swabilliant@gmail.com

The open canon now uses Github for storage!

All submitted works will be added to the git repository in the future.
It would seem Git provides the perfect asynchronous workstyle that this project encompasses!
If you are worried or confused by the prospect of using Git and Github to upload your work,
worry not, for webmaster SWABilliant@gmail.com will gladly add it for you!

Those of you familiar with Git and onboard with this change, feel free to fork the repo
and request a merge after adding your work!

FINALITY Zine Invitation

Recently Added Works
